Comment by drinkinlotson Feb 02, 2023 1:44pm

Post# 35262818
RE:RE:QuickTime Good on you , I wish you well . I had a million slowly dumped after frustrations with HH . The share price is equally as bad even with the R:S.with there fandamazing product .The team involved presently , has plenty of history . So, no need for discussing there. They may have great connections, in where ? Toronto Vancouver ? Irrelevant. I don't live in North America , understanding it's a Canadian company great , but that shipped has sailed in gaming .I highly doubt any interest over here in there product . They sure do have cash , keep them employed for a few more years I would think . Not one of the new team have purchased any shares in there own company. No point throwing good money after bad . After what 7 years . Goodluck .