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Protium Clean Energy Corp C.GRUV

Protium Clean Energy Corp., formerly Weekapaug Lithium Limited, is a Canada-based junior exploration and development company focused on identifying, acquiring, and exploring prospective minerals in Canada's extensive natural resources portfolio. The Company is focused on exploring and developing its 100% owned Nakina Lithium and Firstbrook Hydrogen properties in Ontario, located in Northern Canada, and identifying and pursuing further opportunities by region using various satellite surveys. The Nakina Lithium Property is in the central part of northern Ontario within the Northern Thunder Bay Mining Division, 90 kilometers (kms) north of the community of Geraldton and 300 kms northeast of Thunder Bay. It covers approximately 7,390.69 hectares and comprises 360 contiguous claims. The Company's holdings in Firstbrook Township property have over 2,100 hectares. The Firstbrook Township property hosts documented occurrences of copper, lead, cobalt, silver and kimberlite.

CSE:GRUV - Post by User

Post by David8888on Nov 11, 2024 1:27pm
Post# 36306895

New Name, GRUV trending the Same

New Name, GRUV trending the SameProtum Clean Energy Corp is the new name.  

The ticker symbol remains the same.

The new corporate name bodes well for the company with a hydrogen focus.
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