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Global Uranium Corp C.GURN

Alternate Symbol(s):  GURFF

Global Uranium Corp. focuses on exploring and developing uranium assets primarily in North America. The Company holds seven key uranium projects: the Wing Lake Property in the Mudjatik Domain of Northern Saskatchewan, Canada; the Northwest Athabasca Joint Venture with Forum Energy Metals Corp. and NexGen Energy Ltd. in the Northwest Athabasca region of Saskatchewan, Canada; and the Great Divide Basin District Projects, the Gas Hills District Projects, and the Copper Mountain District Projects in Wyoming, United States. The Wing Lake Uranium Project consists of two contiguous mineral claims, covering about 7,166.55 hectares (ha). It owns a 100% interest in the Wing Lake Uranium Property. The Northwest Athabasca Joint Venture Project is located immediately east of the Alberta-Saskatchewan provincial boundary and is 75 kilometers (km) west of Uranium City. Its Great Divide Basin District Projects include the WAC Project, the JABS Project, and the Big Bend Project.

CSE:GURN - Post by User

Post by RBLCommon Oct 11, 2024 10:18am
Post# 36262545

NEWS: Global Uranium Corp. Prepares to Commence ....

NEWS: Global Uranium Corp. Prepares to Commence ....

Global Uranium Corp. Prepares to Commence Ground-Based Radiometric Survey on Wyoming Projects READ MORE

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