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Harrys Manufacturing Inc C.HARY

Alternate Symbol(s):  WSRRF

Harrys Manufacturing Inc. is a cigarette company. The Company's principal business is tobacco sales in Canada. It operates as a marketer of tobacco products designed to satisfy the preferences of adult Canadian tobacco consumers who are seeking a Canadian made product at a value price. Its cigarettes are made from leaves of Virginia tobacco without any additives. The Company's wholly owned subsidiary is Harrys International Manufacturing Inc.

CSE:HARY - Post by User

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  • JanedoodleX
Comment by Janedoodleon Aug 29, 2022 7:06pm
Post# 34928212

RE:,,,,,,,,,,BringerOfNOTHING needed here.......!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE:,,,,,,,,,,BringerOfNOTHING needed here.......!!!!!!!!!!!!
Red_Deer wrote:    Hey Trevor Plows, you can drop the act.  Everyone already knows you have multiple alaises, since being suspended.... currently I see you are using "Sammy" and "Molly" along with  "CanaanR"
Maybe if you weren't such a loudmouth idiot who only posts to be vulgar and insult, you wouldnt get hundreds of your posts removed and keep getting suspended.
You never seem to post anything useful, you just spend your life being an irritating jerk
A full time clown that everyone laughs at.   All because you played money manger and lost everything turning yourself into a jealous stalkng troll.   Your parents must be proud.      
  Red makes an excellent point

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