Remember me
sweetMolly1 wrote: Red_Deer wrote: I have often wondered what motivates me to be a complete idiot... A total loser, A loud mouth moron... Who has to make up aliases like "Sammy" "Canannr" and "DocHuck" to pretend to have friends Well I guess its because I'm so jealous of others... As you Know I have lost almost everything after playing money manager with my portfolio... A life long dimwit with no friends and everyone laughs at me. Living in my parents basement, stuffing my face with Cheetos while drooling over my Justin poster.. Please keep to posts about HARRY... Thanks
Red_Deer wrote: I have often wondered what motivates me to be a complete idiot... A total loser, A loud mouth moron... Who has to make up aliases like "Sammy" "Canannr" and "DocHuck" to pretend to have friends Well I guess its because I'm so jealous of others... As you Know I have lost almost everything after playing money manager with my portfolio... A life long dimwit with no friends and everyone laughs at me. Living in my parents basement, stuffing my face with Cheetos while drooling over my Justin poster..