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HubbaBubba wrote: Red_Deer wrote: Hey JOE__Interesting ""MULTIPLIER EFFECT"" on my NUMBERS eh !!!!!!!!! My hubby John Trevor Plows keeps making up aliases to pad my thumbs up count !!!! Currently he is using "Canaanr" and "DocHuck" along with "Doodlebug" RE:Troll alert Red deer = Bubba = CanannR = all the same clown Thanks for the heads up.
Red_Deer wrote: Hey JOE__Interesting ""MULTIPLIER EFFECT"" on my NUMBERS eh !!!!!!!!! My hubby John Trevor Plows keeps making up aliases to pad my thumbs up count !!!! Currently he is using "Canaanr" and "DocHuck" along with "Doodlebug" RE:Troll alert Red deer = Bubba = CanannR = all the same clown Thanks for the heads up.