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Harrys Manufacturing Inc C.HARY

Alternate Symbol(s):  WSRRF

Harrys Manufacturing Inc. is a cigarette company. The Company's principal business is tobacco sales in Canada. It operates as a marketer of tobacco products designed to satisfy the preferences of adult Canadian tobacco consumers who are seeking a Canadian made product at a value price. Its cigarettes are made from leaves of Virginia tobacco without any additives. The Company's wholly owned subsidiary is Harrys International Manufacturing Inc.

CSE:HARY - Post by User

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  • islandgirl1967X
Post by islandgirl1967on Feb 24, 2023 4:47pm
Post# 35304470

Today's NR .045 .........

Today's NR .045 .........More massive dilution ........millions in shares for debt plus millions more cheap options at .045 ......another hard pill to swallow with these guys........
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