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Innocan Pharma Corp C.INNO

Alternate Symbol(s):  INNPF

Innocan Pharma Corporation is an Israel-based company active in the pharmaceuticals and wellness sectors. In the pharmaceuticals sector, the Company aims to provide a safe, non-opioid chronic pain management solutions for both animals and humans. To achieve this aim, the Company developed a CBD-loaded liposome drug delivery platform with exact dosing, prolonged and controlled release of synthetic CBD for non-opioid pain management. In the wellness sector, the Company develops and markets a wide portfolio of high-performance self-care and beauty products to promote a healthier lifestyle. Under this segment Innocan established a Joint Venture (BI Sky Global Ltd.) that focused on advanced, targeted online sales.

CSE:INNO - Post by User

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  • longball44X
Post by longball44on Jan 11, 2025 2:21am
Post# 36399173


thinking....there should be postive news soon. keep a eye on this one
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