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Bullboard - Stock Discussion Forum American Critical Minerals Corp C.KCLI

Alternate Symbol(s):  APCOF

American Critical Minerals Corp. is a Canada-based company. The Company’s principal activities include the acquisition and development of potash, lithium and bromine mineral deposits in the United States. Its Green River Potash and Lithium Project is located in Grand County, Utah, 20-30 kilometers (km) west of Moab and 10-20 kilometers northwest of Intrepid Potash’s evaporation pond solution... see more

Bullboard (CSE:KCLI)

Post by Drambueyon Jan 26, 2025 10:56am

Simon says…..

I've almost spent the million plus dollars from the December pp so pony up suckers I need more of your lunch money to take my kids to Disneyland this summer. What a POS!
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