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Myriad Uranium Corp C.M

Alternate Symbol(s):  MYRUF

Myriad Uranium Corp. is a Canada-based uranium exploration company. The Company holds 75% interest in the Copper Mountain Uranium Project in Wyoming, United States. Copper Mountain hosts several known uranium deposits and historic uranium mines. The Company holds exploration license 10577 in the Province of Nova Scotia. The license is comprised of 80 mineral claims covering approximately 1,280 hectares known as the Millen Mountain Property. The Millen Mountain property has Meguma-style gold deposits including tightly folded meta-sediments, alteration minerals and abundant quartz veining. The Company holds 80% ownership of over 1,800 square kilometers (km2) of uranium exploration licenses in the Tim Mersoi Basin, Niger (Loxcroft Properties) with the option to earn up to 100%. The Company also holds The Midnight Prospect, which consists of 798 acres. The Company holds Bonanza and Kermac/Day uranium mines at Copper Mountain.

CSE:M - Post by User

Post by sdhakaon Jul 12, 2024 4:31pm
Post# 36130864

Quick insights on the latest trends in uranium

Quick insights on the latest trends in uranium
Hey everyone,
Here are some quick insights on the latest trends in uranium and nuclear energy:
- Rising Demand: Global demand for nuclear energy is surging, with states like Tennessee, Virginia, and Michigan pushing for more nuclear initiatives. 
- Uranium Prices: Prices have soared to $85.95 per pound, a 68% increase from last year. This is driven by demand, supply constraints, and geopolitical tensions.
-Supply Chain: With Russia producing 35% of the world’s enriched uranium, our supply chain is vulnerable. The World Nuclear Association projects demand could double by 2040. 
These were my insights from the research i conducted... i would like to know what you guys think for uranium's future price???
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