Post by syquanson Jul 15, 2022 1:00pm

Post# 34827360
Nine Mile Metals (NINE.CSE) Finds Extreme High-Grade Copper
Nine Mile Metals (NINE.CSE) Finds Extreme High-Grade Copper
ul 15, 2022 Nine Mile Metals is in the early stages of making a high-grade discovery of copper, zinc, lead, gold and silver. Equally as impressive is they are hitting thick intersections of massive sulphides. These are volcanic events that come in clusters. They haven't found the source of where the zones they have hit come from, but it is exciting to hit thick intersections of extreme high-grade in the extensions off the main body. I like their chances to find multiple zones and magma chambers. They still have a very modest valuation and will have the news flow to help that move much higher. Allan Barry Laboucan is the CEO of Advance Lithium Corp. More info