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Nine Mile Metals Ltd C.NINE

Alternate Symbol(s):  VMSXF

Nine Mile Metals Ltd. is a Canada-based mineral exploration company. It is focused on critical mineral exploration (CME) of volcanic massive sulfide (VMS) (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag and Au) exploration in the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, Canada. It is engaged in exploration of its four VMS projects: Nine Mile Brook VMS; California Lake VMS; Canoe Landing Lake (East-West) VMS and the Wedge VMS Projects. The Nine Mile Brook property covers over 43.98 square kilometers (km2) and is located 10 kilometers southwest of the Brunswick 12 mine. The California Lake VMS Project covers 31.16 km2 and is located north of the Canoe Landing Lake Project and includes a section of the highly prospective Spruce Lake Formation. Its Canoe Landing Lake (East-West) VMS Project covers 10.82 km2 and has nine occurrences/deposits, which is located three km northwest of Canoe Landing Lake. It owns additional 5.06 square kms and 23 claim units adjacent to its California Lake VMS Project.

CSE:NINE - Post by User

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  • Wangotango67X
Post by Wangotango67on Aug 29, 2024 2:32am
Post# 36200656

LOUVICOURT ( deposit near nine mile brook )

LOUVICOURT ( deposit near nine mile brook ) Talc and Rhyolites / Felsics are spoken of with in the Louvicourt deposit.
Post sulphide alteration ( latter sulphide conversion.
Some reports state no iron... while this new report does state iron bands and pyrite.

Interesting ree's.

Excerpt -
These are enriched in Nb (average = 38.4 ppm) and P2O5 (average = 0.17 wt.%),

The intermediate volcanic rocks are conformably overlain by massive to pillowed basalt flows and related hyaloclastite that have Nb/Y = 0.60 and high TiO2 contents (average = 2.8 wt.%). This chemistry is consistent with rocks of the Brunswick Mines member (Little River Formation), except that these rocks are considerably enriched in P2O5 (average = 0.82 wt.%).

This syngenetic exhalative deposit is unique for the BMC with a high Pb/Zn and elevated Au and Ag contents, as well as an epithermal signature (Sb-Ag-Au-Tl-Hg), analogous to high sulfidation volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits. Its intimate relationship with an emergent felsic dome (Flat Landing Brook Formation), chlorite-silicate-oxide-sulfide exhalite (locally hematitic), and the abundance of barite are classical features of many of the Kuroko deposits.

Here's an image of nine mile with a few of my own overlays.
X is where i assumed Nine drilled.
Rest is self explanatory.  ( my own impression of volcanic influence on terrain.

Watershed path might convince another it's former - volcanic flow.
Ovid zone is interesting reminds me of, Sudbury Basin ovid ( massive iron )
Ovid remained intact suggesting iron resilience while surrounding rock brecciated.
Louvicourt deposit is at the end of - rhyolite flows - very interesting.
Talc seen in upper elevations
As one descends there a gap of no tals, rhyolite then manifests again flowing to Louvicourt.

My theory of....
Zinc bonding to phosphorus sounds wonderful but... phosphorus % are not enough to
absorb 2-5% zinc. 

New take ?
Talcs and Rhyolites, Felsics originally contained the minerals.
Chloric conversion / ocean waters ( sodium chloride swap. )
Post sulphide eruption performs another conversion to sulphides.
Geologist comes along and labels it sulphide deposit.

Finding a Talc, Rhyolite, Felsic ore body with no sulphide influence would
make a very interesting study.

Looking for...  lime, carbonate. phosphate bonded - minerals.
zinc carbonate
lead carbonate
copper carbonate

Or mafics, tuffs enriched in minerals.

In short...
revisit geologies that are black and white vs aqua green or blue.
Hoping to find minerals unaffected by, chloric, sulphide or phosphorus.

If these minerals can be found in a nonsulphide ore body - it would certainly change
the dynamics of Bathurst rewriting the genesis of mineral origins and morphologies.

What's not talked about ?
Zinc Willemite ( zinc silicate )
This photo matches the color of Brunswick open pits, rocks.
Seems every research paper i've read on Bathurst forces a sulphide theme but
most often never mentions Sulphur or iron grades - lol

Bathurst surrounding areas have seen several overlays of volcanic influence.
Talcs and Ryholies overlayen by mafics then covered by felsics etc...
Some mineral deposits are at surface while others are overlayen.


That's all the research i'm doing on, Bathurst.

If NINE is interested in this satallite photo below - let me know.
I added two overlays ( center ) to preserve location detection.
This bright green and briwn minerology does lend a zinc, nickel look.
km's of this geology.

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