Post by
ezemoney on Jan 27, 2021 11:18am
))))Shroom Doom((((
Collapse, all of them, it was when not if as they all were way overvalued to any valuation or revenue.
Comment by
Bullhouse1 on Jan 27, 2021 2:25pm
New wave has avoided the hype bubble and is at a price well below its evaluation. You will see declines in big names like mmed but most of these companies are showing consistent growth outside of their stock price. Read between the lines and not just the colour of your ticket from day to day. There's no bubble with penny stocks as they're just starting out!
Comment by
whateveryousay on Jan 28, 2021 1:35pm
Spor is completely undervalued compared to the big names.I can see us probably having the same earnings as MMED and TRIP with1-10% of the valuation.Nothing makes sense in this and the Cannabis stock segment most investors pile into one or two stocks.Spor will do well as investors pull money away from hyped mega cap names and into real value and growth companies like SPOR.