To Sam and Goldy ...
The reason I have 53,000 shareholders who love me immensely is not just because I sold my last public company for $420 Million cash, or the fact I took over Captiva Verde (when it was called Arrowhead Water Products) at $0.01 (1 cent) per share and the shares hit 63 cents a few weeks later and I have never rolled back the shares, or took Greenbriar public at a 10 cents per share and was $3.00 and over, three years later, or I never took a salary in 12 years, or loaned millions to the company: it is because of my work ethic and most importantly my intergrity to my shareholders.
The CEO of your company sold 3 million shares at 12 cents per share. That is a horrible sign to any shareholder and its the main reason that type of conduct warrants the hiring of paid pumpers like you two, who invade other boards when some ethical CEO like myself investigates your public company. In my 36 years of running public companies I have never witnessed any CEO dump 3 million shares at 12 cents while a paid pumping group dumps on other people who question that blatant lack of integrity.
Your company has 460 million shares outstanding fully diluted, of which hundreds of millions of shares were issued for virtually no value consideration at all. You have a boatload of free paper that you pump into the market.
It is hard for you to get sympathetic or empathetic traction with anyone on my board (except one or two like SBJ) because they know my integrity, loyalty and work ethic is of the highest calibre of standard.
You on the other hand promote dogs of companies because all the companies you promote have issued hundreds of millions of free shares, which in turn is used to pay off boiler rooms filled with miscreants and scoundrels like you, who should be banned from the capital markets. You would be incarcerated if you were in the USA but you choose to hide in Canada where the pumping laws have no teeth.
I enjoy calling you out, as it educates the public of more reasons why our company Greenbriar is a gem in both its share structure, assets, integrity and ethics. You my friend, only empower and strengthen the loyalty that exists within our group of stakeholders.
May Greenbriar always be the example of integrity and value.