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Pampa Metals Corp C.PM

Alternate Symbol(s):  PMMCF

Pampa Metals Corporation is a Canada-based copper-gold exploration company. The Company is engaged in the acquisition and exploration of base metals and precious metals projects in the Americas, with a primary focus on the Piuquenes Copper-Gold Porphyry Project in San Juan Province, Argentina. The Piuquenes Project consists of nine mining titles that cover an area of approximately 1,880 hectares (ha) in the San Juan Province of Argentina, adjacent (to the north) with the Altar copper-gold porphyry Project (held by Aldebaran Resources Inc.) and approximately 190 kilometers (km) west of the city of San Juan. Other large porphyry copper projects in the San Juan Miocene porphyry belt include: El Pachon (held by Glencore) approximately 30 km to the south; the operating Los Pelambres copper mine (60% interest held by Antofagasta plc) in Chile; and Los Azules (held by McEwen Mining) 50 km to the northeast.

CSE:PM - Post by User

Post by inseon Sep 29, 2021 5:01am
Post# 33935500

Very promising outlook for Redondo-Veronica

Very promising outlook for Redondo-Veronica

Vancouver – September 28, 2021 – Pampa Metals Corp. (“Pampa Metals” or the “Company”) (CSE: PM / FSE: FIRA / OTCQX®: PMMCF) is pleased to provide an update regarding its 6,600-hectare Redondo-Veronica Project in northern Chile, where the Company has received assay results from the seven-hole drill program focused on three separate target areas as previously reported (see news releases dated July 29; July 7; June 29; and June 16, 2021 for further technical information and updates).

Summary & Highlights

  • Seven, wide spaced, reverse circulation (“RC”) drill holes totalling 1,956 metres (“m”) were completed byPampa Metals at the Company’s Redondo-Veronica project in June and July 2021, with final assay results received in September 2021.
    Results point towards potentially deep porphyry copper mineralisation across two of the three target areas that were tested, at Cerro Redondo North and Redondo Southwest:
    • Assay results from the upper portions of the Cerro Redondo North target include copper up to 0.16% Cu together with anomalous arsenic values indicative of the upper parts of a porphyry system.
    • The Redondo Southwest target is characterised by multiple deep geophysical anomalies including a deep induced polarisation anomaly, with drilling only reaching the upper outer margins of the anomaly to date. Four, wide-spaced drill holes show hydrothermal alteration and mineralisatiindicative of the outer margins of a deep porphyry copper system.
  • Follow up deeper diamond drilling on these two targets is being evaluated and prioritised against other
    opportunities within Pampa Metal’s exciting portfolio of projects.
I suspect that the market will begin to better understand the signficance of this excellent news release over the coming days, and that we will see a corresponding increase in the share price.

The highly experienced team at Pampa Metals is on the right track to success, as demonstrated by these initial drill results from Redondo-Veronica - the outlook for this 6600 hectare property is very promising indeed.

I believe that their aggressive, yet focussed approach to exploration of their highly prospective properties will lead to some major discoveries.

Next up: drill results from Cerro Buenos Aires. I anticipate more positive news from Pampa Metals in the coming weeks. IMO, the current 0.37 share price presents a compelling opportunity to buy or add to your position.

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