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Pampa Metals Corp C.PM

Alternate Symbol(s):  PMMCF

Pampa Metals Corporation is a Canada-based copper-gold exploration company. The Company is engaged in the acquisition and exploration of base metals and precious metals projects in the Americas, with a primary focus on the Piuquenes Copper-Gold Porphyry Project in San Juan Province, Argentina. The Piuquenes Project consists of nine mining titles that cover an area of approximately 1,880 hectares (ha) in the San Juan Province of Argentina, adjacent (to the north) with the Altar copper-gold porphyry Project (held by Aldebaran Resources Inc.) and approximately 190 kilometers (km) west of the city of San Juan. Other large porphyry copper projects in the San Juan Miocene porphyry belt include: El Pachon (held by Glencore) approximately 30 km to the south; the operating Los Pelambres copper mine (60% interest held by Antofagasta plc) in Chile; and Los Azules (held by McEwen Mining) 50 km to the northeast.

CSE:PM - Post by User

Post by 666999on Jun 30, 2024 11:43am
Post# 36112609

Cheap shares

Cheap shares Why is company issuing cheap shares, drill results are great, are this new drill holes, or has been here drilled before, can someone explain please, 13M new shares, along warrants, what does mgmt thinks, with such drill results, share price should be at least 1.00 ???
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