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Captiva Verde Wellness Corp C.PWR

Alternate Symbol(s):  CPIVF

Captiva Verde Wellness Corp. is a sustainable real estate company that also invests in sports and wellness opportunities. The Company has not generated any revenue from its operations.

CSE:PWR - Post by User

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  • Stockdale99X
Post by Stockdale99on Jan 10, 2023 12:37pm
Post# 35213677

Lawsuit? Solargram/Captiva ?

Lawsuit? Solargram/Captiva ? Does anyone have any information with regards to the current lawsuit between Solargram/Captiva? 

With regards to the "Friends and Family" Captiva share deal. Has anyone filed a complaint with regards to being offered investment options under false pretenses.  We were under the direct impression that our money would be used to fund the Solargram operation which in turn we would benefit from its success through our captiva shares as they were the same entity.  It is currently producing and selling product year after year yet we are still left out and looking in wondering how we got screwed over.  
Who is reaping the rewards to what we funded?  Are Marc LeBlanc President and Len Wood Vice President the only 2 benefiting from solargrams success? 

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