Comment by shnepson Sep 05, 2024 7:56am

Post# 36209434
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Management Disaster
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Management DisasterGive me "something" to cheer about and I will, as I do with other stocks that may be underperforming but is not the fault of management.
Due to management there are 37,000,000 million shares that need to be cycled out at $0.02.
I have a small investment here and want my money back.
If I have made a poor investment decision due to my lack due diligence, unforeseen conditions, or market conditions that's on me.
That is far from the case here.
I will hold incompotent management's feet to the fire, anywhere, to be accountable to its investors.
The last NR about the corporate update with the following comment was insulting - "The use of proceeds will be for general working capital and to start the development of badly needed affordable homes on the company's 100% owned debt free 130-acre property located in New Brunswick."
No share consolidation. That's great.
Current shareholders were just diluted by over 50% thereby doubling their recoverable inputs. How could you also possibly consolidate the shares. That was likely a stipulation by the Swiss.
No name change? The NR says, "The company will then remain in the real estate business as per its original mandate with the CSE."
Captiva Verde Wellness - real estate business?
Green Matter Technologies lists as "Real Estate/Manufacturing". That works, just drop the "Wellness"