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Scope Technologies Corp C.SCPE

Alternate Symbol(s):  SCPCF

Scope Technologies Corp. is a technology company specializing in quantum security and machine learning. Through its flagship brands, QSE Group and GEM AI, it provides solutions in data security, quantum encryption, and neural networks, empowering businesses and individuals with secure, scalable technologies that drive growth and operational efficiency. QSE Group offers quantum security solutions that protect sensitive data now and in the future. QSE employs true randomness in its encryption process, making it resistant to both classical and quantum attacks. GEM AI is an artificial intelligence (AI) platform designed to empower businesses of all sizes to create custom image recognition and machine learning models. GEM builds, tests, and deploys neural networks without requiring specialized technical expertise.

CSE:SCPE - Post by User

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  • Possibleidiot01X
Post by Possibleidiot01on Oct 02, 2024 9:40am
Post# 36249775

fund manager Martin Mathieu comment

fund manager Martin Mathieu commentScope Technologies (CSE: SCPE), a pre-revenue quantum security company, is betting big on marketing. After raising $2 million in a private placement in late July, the company is hiring an investor relations and marketing services firm to promote the company and its platform. An initial payment of $997,100 was made for three months of services, which is half of what the company just raised. I suspect we'll see another financing announcement shortly

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