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Silver Dollar Resources Inc C.SLV

Alternate Symbol(s):  SLVDF

Silver Dollar Resources Inc. is a mineral exploration company. The Company is engaged in the business of acquiring and exploring mineral resource properties. The Company's primary projects lie within Idaho's prolific Silver Valley and the Durango-Zacatecas silver-gold belt and include the advanced exploration stage Ranger-Page and La Joya silver (Cu-Au) projects and the early exploration stage Nora project. Its Ranger-Page Project (the Project) is situated approximately 94 kilometers (kms) east of Spokane, Washington, 37 miles from Coeur d’Alene, 1.2 km southeast of the mining-friendly town of Smelterville, Idaho and 3.2 km west of Kellogg, Idaho in Shoshone County, United States. The La Joya silver-copper-gold property is located in the south-eastern portion of the state of Durango in the Mexican Silver Belt. The Nora silver-gold property is situated in the Eastern Sierra Madre sub-province, in the transition to the high plateau of Mexico.

CSE:SLV - Post by User

Comment by sdhakaon Jul 23, 2024 4:09pm
Post# 36145011

RE:Silver Dollar to Acquire the Ranger-Page Project

RE:Silver Dollar to Acquire the Ranger-Page Project
Thanks for sharing the official announcement! It's great to see the details of the asset purchase agreement laid out clearly. This acquisition seems like a strategic move, especially with the inclusion of the Government Gulch Option and Joint Venture Agreement and the Page Mine Mineral Rights Lease and Option Agreement.
I'm really optimistic about this acquisition, given the historic production levels of the Page mine. With the right exploration and drilling strategies, this could significantly boost SLV's production capabilities. It's also reassuring to know that the CEO is very excited about the potential synergies with nearby silver mines going into production.
I'm curious to see how quickly we can start seeing results from the drilling once the deal closes. What are your thoughts on the potential timeline for exploration and production? And how do you see this acquisition impacting SLV's overall strategy and stock performance? Exciting times ahead for us!

Reference news link:

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