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Silver Dollar Resources Inc C.SLV

Alternate Symbol(s):  SLVDF

Silver Dollar Resources Inc. is a mineral exploration company. The Company is engaged in the business of acquiring and exploring mineral resource properties. The Company's primary projects lie within Idaho's prolific Silver Valley and the Durango-Zacatecas silver-gold belt and include the advanced exploration stage Ranger-Page and La Joya silver (Cu-Au) projects and the early exploration stage Nora project. Its Ranger-Page Project (the Project) is situated approximately 94 kilometers (kms) east of Spokane, Washington, 37 miles from Coeur d’Alene, 1.2 km southeast of the mining-friendly town of Smelterville, Idaho and 3.2 km west of Kellogg, Idaho in Shoshone County, United States. The La Joya silver-copper-gold property is located in the south-eastern portion of the state of Durango in the Mexican Silver Belt. The Nora silver-gold property is situated in the Eastern Sierra Madre sub-province, in the transition to the high plateau of Mexico.

CSE:SLV - Post by User

Post by sdhakaon Sep 13, 2024 1:01pm
Post# 36222582

Silver Dollar Resources has just made a bold move

Silver Dollar Resources has just made a bold move
Hey guys! Silver Dollar Resources has just made a bold move by acquiring the **Ranger-Page project** in Idaho’s famous **Silver Valley**, a region known for producing tons of silver, zinc, and lead. With Mexico’s mining sector facing uncertainties, this pivot offers SLV a fresh, **drill-ready opportunity** outside its existing projects in Mexico.
FRC analysts are **bullish** on silver and gold prices, expecting **inflation** to keep pushing them higher. At the same time, **SLV is one of the most undervalued silver juniors** out there, trading at just $0.18 per AgEq oz versus the sector average of $0.82/oz.
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