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Spearmint Resources Inc C.SPMT

Alternate Symbol(s):  SPMTF

Spearmint Resources Inc. is a Canadian junior resource exploration company. Its business activities include acquiring and exploring exploration and evaluation assets. Its Clayton Ridge project in Clayton Valley, Nevada, is comprised of 12 contiguous claims totaling approximately 248 acres. It has three separate claim blocks in Nevada that are prospective for lithium known as the 1,136-acre McGee Lithium Clay Project, the 124-acre Green Clay Lithium Project, and the 280-acre Elon Lithium Brine Project, covering an aggregate area of 1,540 acres. Its 3,015-acre Chibougamau project is composed of four separate claim blocks and is located in the direct vicinity of Lac Chibougamau, Quebec, Canada. Its Perron-East Gold Project consists of five mineral claim blocks covering 11,608 acres located in the Abitibi greenstone belt of northwestern Quebec. It also operates George Lake South Antimony Project in New Brunswick, Canada and consists of 1,945 contiguous acres prospective for antimony.

CSE:SPMT - Post by User

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  • dothemathpeopleX
Post by dothemathpeopleon Nov 27, 2024 9:15am
Post# 36333186

SPMT, the sitcom

SPMT, the sitcom
Really???? James Nelson, President of Spearmint stated, "Year to date, antimony prices have more than doubled, making it one of the best performing commodities this year. This is a great addition to our stable of projects and being in Canada, it allows us to access flow through money if needed. Management is formulating a plan on this project and intends to update the market on Spearmints crypto diversification plan once additional information is ready. These are truly exciting times for Spearmint and Spearmint shareholders.

WHat a bunch of maroons.  What is this their 4th double back?  Nothing done here, EVER.  Just a bunch of partially paved roads that lead to nowhere.
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