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Temas Resources Corp C.TMAS

Alternate Symbol(s):  TMASF

Temas Resources Corp. is a Canada-based company, which is engaged in the acquisition, development and exploration of mineral properties. The Company is focused on the advanced La Blache and Lac Brule Iron-Titanium-Vanadium projects in Quebec. Additionally, the Company invests in and works to apply its green mineral recovery technologies across its mining portfolio to reduce the environmental impact and carbon footprint of metal extraction through advanced processing and patented leaching technologies. The La Blache Fe-Ti-V Project is composed of approximately 117 claims and covers 6,203.12 hectares. The Project is located approximately 100 kilometers (km) north of the community of Baie-Comeau, Quebec. The Lac Brule Ti-Fe-V Project is composed of approximately 36 claims, covering 2,016 hectares within the Labrieville Anorthsosite Complex. The Project is located 64 km by road accessible from Labrieville, on the north shore of the St. Lawrence 100 km north of Forestville.

CSE:TMAS - Post by User

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  • MarketMakerssX
Post by MarketMakersson Jul 02, 2024 4:48pm
Post# 36115209

TMAS Appoints David Caldwell as COO

TMAS Appoints David Caldwell as COO Today, Temas Resources (TMAS.c TMASF) announced the appointment of David Caldwell as Chief Operating Officer!
Bringing over 35 years of global mining experience, Caldwell has worked across a wide range of projects from grass roots development to feasibility, permitting and asset build out. He most recently served as Co-Founder, Director and Chief Innovation and Sustainability Officer for an Iron Steel Company, and spent over 14 years at BlackRock Metals as Co-Founder, Director and VP Technical Services.
In 2007, Caldwell identified Quebec's Lac Dore layered complex for its potential to host a polymetallic deposit with world class tonnage and established a full feasibility for a $1.3B construction project with top vanadium grades in North America along with excellent titanium and high purity iron credits.
Continuing to actively evaluate various metallurgical optimizations for processing vanadium, titanium and iron bearing feedstocks to recover valuable metals, oxides and chemical products from the stream, Caldwell's appointment significantly strengthens TMAS' management team.
Tim Fernback, TMAS' CEO, commented:
"I am thrilled to announce David as our new Chief Operating Officer. David's role will be an important part of our leadership team and his wealth of experience across all stages of development will prove invaluable as we move our Quebec-based titanium dioxide projects forward, We are incredibly fortunate to have David, one of North America's foremost experts on Iron-Titanium-Vanadium assets, having previously worked in Quebec and taking the helm of our exploration activities."
A Titanium Titan?
In pioneering the titanium sector in Quebec with its revolutionary eco-friendly extraction technologies, TMAS stands to become a major player in the industry with only a $7M market cap as it's unlocked a project with a $6.6B NPV.
In taking the strategic steps to leverage its proprietary processes in the booming market for titanium and vanadium, TMAS is fully funded for its current activities and is aiming to bring in a strategic investor to help move the project forward alongside attracting institutional investors in Quebec.
The La Blache Project
Aiming to produce high-quality ore suitable for processing into pigment-grade titanium dioxide, TMAS' La Blache Project PEA shows impressive economic metrics, including a post-tax NPV of CAD$6.8 billion, a post-tax IRR of 55.1%, and a short capex payback period, showcasing its viability and profitability,
 TMAS is now actively engaging with the market to address previous communication issues that have kept their market cap low. 
TMAS' Competitive Edge
Providing a competitive edge with superior processing abilities, TMAS additionally owns a 50% stake of its own ORF processing technologies. This cost-effective and recyclable process lowers capital and processing expenses by 30-50% while enhancing recovery rates in complex deposits, improving mine gate economics and reducing the carbon footprint.
Upcoming Catalysts
Over the next six months, TMAS expects to execute a drill program, upgrade its resource classifications to measured and indicated, conducting trade-off studies on metallurgy, initiate a pre-feasibility study at La Blache, and explore the ptoential at their secondary project, Lac Brule.
Believing the metals and mining sector is in a stealthy bull market, TMAS stands out as an undervalued company with a tight share structure, experienced management team and large post-tax asset.
Full News Release:
For more information, check out TMAS' latest interview with TokStock:
Posted on Behalf of Temas Resources Corp.

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