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Temas Resources Corp C.TMAS

Alternate Symbol(s):  TMASF

Temas Resources Corp. is a Canada-based company, which is engaged in the acquisition, development and exploration of mineral properties. The Company is focused on the advanced La Blache and Lac Brule Iron-Titanium-Vanadium projects in Quebec. Additionally, the Company invests in and works to apply its green mineral recovery technologies across its mining portfolio to reduce the environmental impact and carbon footprint of metal extraction through advanced processing and patented leaching technologies. The La Blache Fe-Ti-V Project is composed of approximately 117 claims and covers 6,203.12 hectares. The Project is located approximately 100 kilometers (km) north of the community of Baie-Comeau, Quebec. The Lac Brule Ti-Fe-V Project is composed of approximately 36 claims, covering 2,016 hectares within the Labrieville Anorthsosite Complex. The Project is located 64 km by road accessible from Labrieville, on the north shore of the St. Lawrence 100 km north of Forestville.

CSE:TMAS - Post by User

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  • MissStock111X
Post by MissStock111on Sep 15, 2024 7:14pm
Post# 36224763

HAR.V — at 0.065$ interesting, under cash value

HAR.V — at 0.065$ interesting, under cash valueWorth a look imo, HArfang got around 6M$ in cash , no debt and currently got a 4M$ market cap so you get the gold and lithium project for free rn. One seller wants out and create a nice buying opportunity. Forget promo stock llike TMAS and go where there is cash in the bank, only way to make money with juniors right now.

all the best!
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