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CISO Global Inc CISO

CISO Global, Inc. is a cybersecurity and compliance company. The Company provides a full range of cybersecurity consulting and related services, encompassing compliance, cybersecurity, and culture. It offers two types of services to clients, including security managed services and professional services. The Company's services include compliance services, secured managed services, security operations center (SOC) services, virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) services, incident response, certified forensics, technical assessments, and cybersecurity training. Its compliance practice ensures the customers are implementing the right controls, prioritizing risks, and investing in the remediation to comply and adhere to applicable industry standards and guidelines. Its SOC provides 24x7 threat monitoring, alerting, validation, and proactive threat hunting. It provides security testing services, including penetration testing, attack simulation exercises, and training programs.

NDAQ:CISO - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Mar 06, 2024 10:30pm
Post# 35919582

InvestorNewsBreaks - CISO Global Inc. (NASDAQ: CISO) Announc

InvestorNewsBreaks - CISO Global Inc. (NASDAQ: CISO) Announc
BREAKING NEWS: $CISO InvestorNewsBreaks - CISO Global Inc. (NASDAQ: CISO) Announces Effective Date for Reverse SplitCISO Global (NASDAQ: CISO) , an industry leader as a managed cybersecurity and compliance provider, will proceed with the 1-for-15 reverse stock split approved by CISO shareholders at the annual meeting held Dec. 14, 2023. According to the update, the reverse stock split will become effective aft...CISO - InvestorNewsBreaks - CISO Global Inc. (NASDAQ: CISO) Announces Effective Date for Reverse Split

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