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Coppernico Metals Inc. CPPMF

Primary Symbol: T.COPR

Coppernico is a mineral exploration company focused on creating value for shareholders and stakeholders through diligent project evaluation and exploration excellence in pursuit of the discovery of world-class copper-gold deposits in the Americas. The Company’s management and technical teams have a successful track record of raising capital, discovery and the monetization of exploration successes. The Company, through its wholly-owned private Peruvian subsidiary Sombrero Minerales S.A.C., is currently focused on the Ccascabamba (previously referred to as Sombrero Main) and Nioc target areas within the Sombrero Project in Peru, its flagship project, and is regularly reviewing additional premium projects to consider for acquisition. The Sombrero Project is a land package of approximately 102,000 hectares (1,020 square kilometres) located in the north-western margins of the world-class Andahuaylas-Yauri trend in Peru. It consists of a number of prospective exploration targets characte...

TSX:COPR - Post by User

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  • swingtrader45X
Comment by swingtrader45on Dec 04, 2024 12:08pm
Post# 36345359

RE:RE:RE:RE:Top 5 Reasons

RE:RE:RE:RE:Top 5 Reasons Better to wait for bad news as Ivan The Skarn Whisperer will be flushed down the toilet. GLTA
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