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Canagold Resources Ltd CRCUF

Primary Symbol: T.CCM

Canagold Resources Ltd. is a mineral exploration company. It owns a direct interest in precious metal properties, known as the New Polaris property, the Windfall Hills property, and the Corral Canyon property, as well as a portfolio of smaller exploration properties in Nevada, Idaho and Montana. It owns a 100% interest in the New Polaris property, located in the Atlin Mining Division, British Columbia (BC), which consists of 61 contiguous Crown-granted mineral claims and one modified grid claim covering 850 hectares. The Windfall Hills gold project is located 65 km south of Burns Lake, which consists of the Atna properties, comprised of two mineral claims totaling 959 hectares and the Dunn properties, comprised of eight mineral claims totaling 2820 hectares. Corral Canyon property lies 35 km west of the town of McDermitt in Humboldt County along the western flank of the McDermitt caldera complex. Princeton Gold Property consists of 14,650 hectares and lies 35 km south of Princeton, BC.

TSX:CCM - Post by User

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  • LondonMustangX
Post by LondonMustangon Jan 17, 2023 12:51am
Post# 35227089

Very undervalued gold development company

Very undervalued gold development companyNo doubt the rights offering has held Canagold back but once in the rear view investors will realize just how undervalued this company is. The PEA uses a $1500 gold price and the NPV after tax was $469mm Cdn with an IRR of 56%. For every $100 increase in gold price the NPV increases by $90mm Cdn so at today's gold price of $1900, NPV would approximate $800mm+. Even with an inflation adjusted Capex 50% higher, Capex would still only come in around $225mm Cdn. Factor in a new experienced management team (Sun Valley Investments) who are driven and funded to move the high grade (10.2 g/t) low cash cost ($433/oz) New Polaris project (in one of the safest mining areas - B.C.) to a feasibility study, this is likely the most undervalued gold development mining company out there. With a market cap of just $25mm and trading (Gold @ $1500) at just .05 NPV Canagold Resources (CCM) is an absolute steal at these prices of $.18 - $.19 IMHO.  PowerPoint Presentation (
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