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Smart Powerr Corp CREG

Smart Powerr Corp, formerly China Recycling Energy Corporation, is a China-based company principally engaged in the recycling energy business. The Company offers waste energy recycling systems to companies for use in iron and steel, nonferrous metal, cement, coal and petrochemical plants. Its waste pressure-to-energy solution consists of the blast furnace top gas recovery turbine unit (TRT), a system that utilizes high pressure gas emitted from the blast furnace top to drive turbine units and generate electricity. Its waste heat-to-energy solution consists of heat power generation projects for applications in cement, steel, coking coal and nonferrous metal industries, which collect the residual heat from various manufacturing processes, such as the entrance and exit ends of the cement rotary kilns, to generate electricity. Its waste gas-to-energy solution primarily consists of the Waste Gas Power Generation system (WGPG) and the Combined Cycle Power Plant (the CCPP).

NDAQ:CREG - Post by User

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  • MikeTesterX
Post by MikeTesteron Aug 03, 2024 4:06pm
Post# 36163444

Transforming into an Energy Storage Leader with Promising Pr

Transforming into an Energy Storage Leader with Promising Prhttps://beyonds
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