Post by
uograd on Mar 06, 2018 2:19pm
added more at 7.84 today
wasn't planning to but what the heck, can't fly on one wing.
One thing to remember about shorts if they have to pay the distribution each month so the likelihood of them covering and not paying the distribution at some stage is an albatross around their necks.
Comment by
Sukhi19 on Mar 06, 2018 2:32pm
Not only they have to pay the distr but they also got to cover at some stage. If they have inside info about Q4, they will cover after the results. Other wise they still have two days to cover. KWH.UN have froren the distr raises for 2018 as at appears which would have have a cause of concern for some people.
Comment by
2smart4u2 on Mar 06, 2018 2:43pm
You might think the divy cover would bother the shorts each month but it doesn't seem to faze many of them. Take Cardinal Energy for example, 10% of the float has been shorted for the better part of 6 months now and yet the shorts don't care and Cardinals' divy is 10% also.
Comment by
Sukhi19 on Mar 06, 2018 2:50pm
Yes. They do not care about dividend and they only short when they are cocksure about the outcome. They have the capacity to buy the insider info and influence in media as is the case with Crius.
Comment by
deisman03 on Mar 06, 2018 3:06pm
Well I just upped my stake by another 1500 units today. That makes over 8000 since the slide began. Wish me luck GLTA the good folks here. And Sukhi, get some sleep for goodness sake. Being a nighthawk shows our age.
Comment by
Sukhi19 on Mar 06, 2018 3:17pm
Thanks, deisman. I have to watch closely for next two days. I am very heavily invested in all our family accounts. I feel this will climb back. Mangement has lot of options to address the present situation. I liked the tone of their rebuttals.
Comment by
StocknerdEQcool on Mar 06, 2018 7:17pm
deisman, Looks like we have a few here having some sleepless nights. I'm making a movie called "Survival of the fittest in Fool's Paradise". It should be out soon !
Comment by
deisman03 on Mar 06, 2018 7:39pm
GLTA the good folks here. Even you Scool. I said I was uncomfortable by going outside the box on this trust, not losing sleep over it. About the only thing that causes me to lose sleep is the Arthritis in my left shoulder, which needs to be replaced. Might be a good investment after the unit prices go up and I sell those extra units??
Comment by
StocknerdEQcool on Mar 06, 2018 8:33pm
Oh, I am sorry deisman to hear of your arthritis in your left shoulder. I had gone through similar pains before on my two shyoulders a few years back. One of the most important therapy is doing stretch exercise of you arms. Best Regards
Comment by
deisman03 on Mar 06, 2018 9:27pm
Thx Scool. I had one done last year and it feels as good as it did 40 years ago. The pain of surgery was worth it. Looking forward to the next one. Hopefully right after hunting/fishing season
Comment by
gutfelt on Mar 06, 2018 3:20pm
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