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CTS Corporation is a global manufacturer of sensors, connectivity components, and actuators. The Company designs, manufactures, and sells a line of sensors, connectivity components, and actuators primarily to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers for the aerospace and defense, industrial, medical, and transportation markets. It operates manufacturing facilities in North America, Asia, and Europe. Its devices are categorized by their ability to Sense, Connect or Move. Sense products provide vital inputs to electronic systems. Connect products allow systems to function in synchronization with other systems. Move products ensure required movements are effectively and accurately executed. Its Sense products include Controls, Pedals, Piezo Sensing Products, Sensors, Switches and Transducers. Its Connect products include EMI/RFI Filters, Capacitors, Frequency Control Products, Resistors and RF filters. Its Move products include Piezo Microactuators and Rotary Actuators.

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Feb 06, 2024 3:15pm
Post# 35865962

Why CTS Corporation Shares Jumped 13.3% Today

Why CTS Corporation Shares Jumped 13.3% Today
JUST IN: $CTS Why CTS Corporation Shares Jumped 13.3% Today2024-02-06 14:55:45 ET Shares of industrial supplier CTS Corporation (NYSE: CTS) jumped as much as 13.3% in trading on Tuesday after the company reported fourth-quarter 2023 financial results. Shares are still up 10.2% as of 2 p.m. ET. CTS isn't blowing the doors off the ind...CTS - Why CTS Corporation Shares Jumped 13.3% Today

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