First time posting here. Been invested in CTT since 2019 when I first learned about the strips. Great idea, and was disappointed when things fell through with ACB. But I have paid close attention over the past year on things and have waited for news to no avail. But here's what I have notice that still keep me interested. 1) there interesting thread possibility between is developing with the players of CTT and Australis (AUSA) Terry Booth is now the CEO after leaving ACB. If you recall, Terry Booth was originally the one who signed the deal with CTT while at ACB. He liked the strips and the company. Now Dr. Dyck is a Director in both companies, and Marc Lakmaaker (former ACB) is now SVP of b-development for CTT and is now also the head of IR for Australis.
Not sure if I'm looking too much in to it, but I find it interesting none the less.
2) As for the Lawsuit against ACB, which I'm not sure of the exact amount, but maybe into the upper 30 millions, has not been disclosed in any of ACB's filings. Does this signify a possibility of a settlement? Idk??? But also interesting. Also ACB has warrants that expire in September of this year. Those warrants have been an impediment to other financings and the market cap. So when they expire, what will happen?
3) Lastly, the bump up that happened last month out of no where with no new news. Increased volume for a day or so out of no where. That always intrigues me. With that, I keep track of all the SEC filings CTT makes, and in 2019 and 2020 they released their end of year financial report on 4/2 and 3/31 respectively, so I am expecting this to be the case for 2021 here is a couple weeks. I would hope that if there is a new deal or something in the works for CTT or a settlement with ACB (which may have been a reason for the bump last month) that will get reported on that year-end report I'm hoping there would be a news release about it prior to the report getting released on the SEC. So maybe this week or next week a press release???
I don't know, maybe none of this means anything but it is just my thoughts, and maybe my hopes getting the best of me haha. But nonetheless I am excited about the possibilities and I hope something works out and we get some word soon. Good luck to all who have been on this ride the past few years!