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Civeo Corp CVEO

Civeo Corporation is engaged in providing hospitality services. The Company’s segments include Canada and Australia. The Company offers hospitality services for its guests in the natural resources industry, including lodging, catering and food service, housekeeping and maintenance at accommodation facilities. It provides services that support the day-to-day operations of these facilities, such as laundry, facility management and maintenance, water and wastewater treatment, power generation, communication systems, security and logistics. It also manages development activities for workforce accommodation facilities, including site selection, permitting, engineering and design, manufacturing management and site construction, along with providing hospitality services once the facility is constructed. It owns and operates 24 lodges and villages with over 26,000 rooms. In Canada, it also offers a fleet of mobile assets which serve shorter term projects, such as pipeline construction.

NYSE:CVEO - Post by User

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Post by gibbonsjon Aug 17, 2021 2:27pm
Post# 33717899

looks interesting enough

looks interesting enoughProbably worthwhile doing some dd. I like the sp.
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