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Endava plc is a technology service provider. The Company provides a combination of product and technology strategies, intelligent experiences, and engineering to help customers become digital, experience-driven businesses by assisting them from idea generation to development and deployment of products, platforms, and solutions. It uses its Distributed Enterprise Agile scaling framework, known as TEAM Enterprise Agile Scaling (TEAS). TEAS helps in designing, developing, and testing digital solutions, providing actionable insights into their business potential. It also provides training for the customers that helps them to develop their technical and soft skills. It serves clients in the payments and financial services, technology, media, and telecom (TMT), consumer products, retail, mobility, and healthcare. The Company also provides outsourced development services across design, engineering and art/animation for PC and console video games and other digital entertainment.

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson May 24, 2024 9:00pm
Post# 36056900

DAVA Price Target Alert: $55.00. Issued by Guggenheim

DAVA Price Target Alert: $55.00. Issued by Guggenheim
NEWS: $DAVA DAVA Price Target Alert: $55.00. Issued by Guggenheim2024-05-24 08:00:14 ET Jonathan Lee from Guggenheim issued a price target of $55.00 for DAVA on 2024-05-24 06:21:00. The adjusted price target was set to $55.00. At the time of the announcement, DAVA was trading at $30.98. The overall price target consensus is at $65.68 ...DAVA - DAVA Price Target Alert: $55.00. Issued by Guggenheim

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