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Devon Energy Corp DVN

Devon Energy Corporation is an oil and gas producer in the United States with a multi-basin portfolio. The Company is primarily engaged in the exploration, development and production of oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGLs). Its oil and gas properties include Delaware Basin, Eagle Ford, Anadarko Basin, Williston Basin and Powder River Basin. The Delaware Basin operates in southeast New Mexico and across the state line into west Texas. It offers exploration and development opportunities from many geologic reservoirs and play types, including the oil-rich Wolfcamp, Bone Spring, Avalon and Delaware formations. The Eagle Ford operations are located in Texas' DeWitt and Karnes counties. The Anadarko Basin has around four-operated rig program associated with a joint venture. Its position in the Williston is located entirely on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota. The Powder River Basin is focused on emerging oil opportunities in Wyoming's Powder River Basin.

NYSE:DVN - Post by User

Post by inv2dayon Mar 07, 2022 1:49pm
Post# 34491494

Load up this week Iran deal never

Load up this week Iran deal neverMost important interview I have watched this year from Iran's chief nuclear negotiator. 
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