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PMGC Holdings Inc ELAB

PMGC Holdings Inc. is a diversified holding company that manages and grows its portfolio through strategic acquisitions, investments, and development across various industries. The Company’s portfolio consists of three wholly owned subsidiaries: Northstrive Biosciences Inc., PMGC Research Inc., and PMGC Capital LLC. Northstrive Biosciences Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company focusing on the development and acquisition of cutting-edge aesthetic medicines. Its lead asset, EL-22, is leveraging a first-in-class engineered probiotic approach to address obesity’s pressing issue of preserving muscle while on weight loss treatments, including GLP-1 receptor agonists. PMGC Research Inc. is a research and development subsidiary of the Company, which is focused on advancing the frontiers of scientific discovery. PMGC Capital LLC is a multi-strategy investment vehicle engaging in investing, lending, and seeking diversified investment opportunities across various markets.

NDAQ:ELAB - Post by User

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  • coolfooldumbguyX
Post by coolfooldumbguyon Dec 19, 2024 9:13am
Post# 36369988

Using technical analysis for this stock.

Using technical analysis for this stock.Big buy for me this morning,so good luck to all of you guys out there who are watching this one.
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