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Boron One Holdings Inc ERVFF

Primary Symbol: V.BONE

Boron One Holdings Inc. is a Canada-based international mineral exploration and development company with its assets in Serbia. The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of its resource properties. Its project includes Piskanja. Piskanja is located in a historical mining region with infrastructure for mining, including roads, rail, electric power, experienced miners, and others. The site is situated 250 kilometers (km) south of Belgrade, Serbia, accessible by paved roads. Lithology at Piskanja is typical of sedimentary basins, primarily consisting of shales, marls, and limestone, with two primary gently undulating borate beds. The mineralization is primarily dense, compact colemanite with some ulexite. The Company’s subsidiary is Balkan Gold Corp.

TSXV:BONE - Post by User

Post by Myrty1on Jan 24, 2025 6:37am
Post# 36418475

I wonder how the Annex is coming along?

I wonder how the Annex is coming along?

I'm not sure if it's a good or bad situation but it would appear Management only needs to deal with a handful of investors now, his hand picked BOD, and the Ministry of Energy & Mining.  The rest of us, whatevs.

Here is how our last communication about our mining licensing process ended on Nov 28 last year.  Keep in mind we live or die on how this process goes.  

"As a result, Balkan Gold has requested a short extension to the submission deadline in order to provide an annex."

So almost 2 months later we don't even know if we even got the extension let alone whether the work is being done, done and annex submitted??  This all seems like incredibly material news. Like someone here said, maybe the Ministry wants the info but doesn't want to air it in public.  On the other side of the coin, this is our very existence at stake and the gov't is asking for details from the last steps list of tasks??  I think investors have justification to be nervous and wanting answers, but we get a long lasting weird fund raising that raises a pretty big chunk of money right in the middle of a situation that threatens our very existence.  

I know I'm just reading the tea leaves here, but I'm going to assume there is a probably 10 to 20 investors that get some real updates behind the scene before their write their quarterly cheques to keep us going.  Considering it's been mainly Warrant Redemptions for a year based on recent PP's, there must be a handful of people that are accumulation a big percentage of the share through all this dilution.  To me it seems like Tim can conveniently bring this baby though Step 2 of the process with this little group and not have to worry about the rest of us little fring players. The game has always been played by the PP'ers, the market is just a place to liquidate the odd ride in share price.

All that to say, who would be writing a cheque for a hundred grand to Tim Daniels a month after the sad open-ended new release without knowing what is going on?  I sure hope they know what is going on, and I hope it is ok and even good.  I hope they stand to win and disproportion chunk of the profits after all of Managements inept advancements, and I get a little my little diluted chunk and limp away.  I also hope Tim tells us what the heck is going on at this crucial juncture.  I like BB's word on the street rumors, but would be better if it came from Tim.  At least the Warrant Redeemers aren't nervous, so maybe us lower deck schmucks shouldn't make a fuss.  Something's got to give soon.  Another AGM coming before long.  Gotta get that propaganda machine fired back up   

Have a good weekend y'all  


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