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Enstar Group Ltd ESGR

Alternate Symbol(s):  ESGRP

Enstar Group Limited is a global reinsurance group that offers capital release solutions through its network of group companies in Bermuda, the United States, the United Kingdom, Continental Europe, and Australia. Its segments include Run-off, Assumed Life, Investments, and Legacy Underwriting. The Run-off segment consists of acquired property and casualty and other reinsurance business. Assumed Life segment consists of life and catastrophe business that it assumed through the acquisition of the controlling interest in Enhanzed Reinsurance, Ltd. Investments segment consists of its investment activities and the performance of its investment portfolio, excluding those investable assets attributable to its underwriting segment. Its services to the reinsurance industry range from full-service, incentive-based run-off management to client-specific solutions, such as claims inspection and validation, reinsurance asset collection, syndicate management, and information technolgy consulting.

NDAQ:ESGR - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Jul 29, 2024 6:48pm
Post# 36153461

ESGR Alert: Monsey Firm of Wohl & Fruchter Investigating Fai

ESGR Alert: Monsey Firm of Wohl & Fruchter Investigating Fai
NEWS: $ESGR ESGR Alert: Monsey Firm of Wohl & Fruchter Investigating Fairness of the Sale of Enstar Group Limited to Sixth StreetMONSEY, N.Y., July 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The law firm of Wohl &amp; Fruchter LLP is investigating the fairness of the proposed sale of Enstar Group Limited (Nasdaq: ESGR) (&#x201C;Enstar&#x201D;) to Sixth Street and other institutional investors for $338.00 per share in cash. The sales pri...ESGR - ESGR Alert: Monsey Firm of Wohl & Fruchter Investigating Fairness of the Sale of Enstar Group Limited to Sixth Street

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