Post by
up2005 on Nov 27, 2021 8:25pm
We are getting ready to move MUCH higher.
The pieces are coming together. I have been picking away at $ .55 and will be happy to see a triple by 2nd QTR in 2022. Management has worked hard to expand market exposure, the just announced American Affiliate deal will allow us to hit the road running. Online wagering is growing exponentially, the revenues are massive. I don't think it will take a lot to have FANS revisit last February's levels of $ 2.20-2.30. GLTA longs.
Comment by
CnfdntCanadian on Nov 27, 2021 10:21pm
well....Fansunite earnings was 1400 dollars lol... If they made 13 million like what has been speculated, it should go a couple dollars.