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Geospace Technologies Corp GEOS

Geospace Technologies Corporation designs and manufactures seismic instruments and equipment. It operates through three segments: Oil and Gas Markets, Adjacent Markets, and Emerging Markets. The Oil and Gas Markets segment products include wireless seismic data acquisition systems, reservoir characterization products and services, and traditional seismic exploration products, such as geophones, hydrophones, leader wire, connectors, cables, marine streamer retrieval, steering devices, and various other seismic products. Adjacent Markets segment products include imaging equipment, water meter products, remote shut-off valves, and seismic sensors used for vibration monitoring, and geotechnical applications, such as mine safety applications and earthquake detection. The Emerging Markets segment designs and markets seismic products targeted at the border and perimeter security markets. Its seismic products are marketed to the oil and gas industry, and others.

NDAQ:GEOS - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Aug 28, 2024 4:47pm
Post# 36200111

Geospace Technologies Signs $11.9 Million OBX Rental Agreeme

Geospace Technologies Signs $11.9 Million OBX Rental Agreeme
BREAKING NEWS: $GEOS Geospace Technologies Signs $11.9 Million OBX Rental AgreementGeospace Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: GEOS) today announced a 240-day rental contract with a worldwide leading geophysical solution provider who will rent OBX-750E, shallow water seabed wireless seismic data acquisition nodes. Based on current contract terms, the minimum value of the agree...GEOS - Geospace Technologies Signs $11.9 Million OBX Rental Agreement

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