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Genie Energy Ltd GNE

Genie Energy Ltd. is a retail energy and renewable energy solutions provider. The Company has two segments: Genie Retail Energy (GRE) and Genie Renewables. GRE segment supplies electricity and natural gas to residential and small business customers through retail energy providers (REPs) operating in certain deregulated markets within the United States. GRE owns and operates REPs, including IDT Energy, Inc., Residents Energy, LLC, Town Square Energy, LLC and others. The Genie Renewables division is a vertically integrated provider of commercial, community, and utility-scale solar energy solutions. The segment includes three lines of businesses: Genie Solar, which is an integrated solar energy company that develops, constructs and operates solar energy projects for commercial and industrial (C&I) customers, as well as its own portfolio; CityCom Solar, which markets community solar energy solutions, and Diversegy LLC, which provides energy brokerage and advisory services to C&I customers.

NYSE:GNE - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by osaljaon Mar 18, 2013 6:27pm
Post# 21147565

Genie Energy very impressive

Genie Energy very impressive


Company name Genie Energy listed at NYSE
Marcet Cap 180 million dollars
Cash funds approximately 93 million dollars
A summary below followed by articles and interviews to get a better picture of the company Genie Energy and its
huge potential.
The charmain and founder of Genie Energy Howard Jonas has even compared its future potential valuation compared to Exxon 
and says if the projects suceed the company could one day be valued to half of Exxons market cap
Just as an indication of its potential ofcourse and not to be seen as a current valuation estimate.
Have 40 Billion barrels of shale oil in its concession in Israel and about 10 Billion barrels in Colorado, the later
together with Total.
The parent company Genie Energy is a retail energy provider in the USA and had revenues of 230 million dollars last year
and grew 49.9 percent Q4 2012 compared to Q4 2011. Showed a couple of millions in profit for the quarter and full year. 
This buissness is what is generally known of the company. Just above mentioned buissness and cash justify the marketcap.
But the the most interesting about Genie Energy that not so many people know is its subsidaries were its huge potential lie.
Genie Energy owns 89 % of Genie Oil and Gas (GOGAS)( the other 11 percent is owned by Rochild and Murdoch surely well known to most of you)
and its subsidiaries that makes the enourmous potential. 
GOGAS fully owns IEI with its 40 billion barrels potential shale oil concession in Israel and 50 percent of AMSO with its 10 billion
potential shale oil concession in Colorado. The other 50% is owned by French Total.
The pilot project is up and running in Colorado since beginning of March, will last for 6 months before evaluation
French Total pays for the whole oil pilot shale project and AMSO provides the expertise for it. Commerssial producion in large 
scale is many years ahead though.
In Israel IEI awaits the final permission to start the pilot project will probably start in a few months from now. 
In the concession there are one of the 2 best oil shale concessions in the world and they have choosen the best location in 
Israel. In that concession there are as mention potential for about 40 billion barrels of shale oil.
The main problem with oil shale projects is the groundwater that goes in diffrent layers in the oil shale, this problem 
doesnt exist in their concession in Israel that is very common in most oil shale areas like in Colorado USA.
They estimate the production cost per barrel will be about 35-40 dollars at commerciell production.
Genie Energy also has probably the best and most expirienced chief scient geologist by name Harold Vinegar in the whole oil shale
buissness. Held the same position in Shell before he left for IEI and holds about 260 patents in the area.
There are definitely some heavy names when it comes to the major share holders in the company or how about Rupert Murdoch,
Lord Jacob Rotschild and Michael Steinhardt.
In the advisaryboard the above is included but also George Bush former vice president Dick Cheney and former 
senior vice president for Exxon and other big names. 
That also goes for the Israeli front figures in Israel of GOGAS and IEI that will help them gett the concessions and permits for 
current and new concessions. 
Recently Genie Energy was awarded a concession for oil and gas in Golan Heights (21st Feb 2013) which is a disputed area 
since its an occupied Syrian territory in most countries point of view (Israel took it back 1967). The area hasnt been prospected
for over 20 years at that time they only found a couple of million barrels of oil to be in the area before Israel no longer
permitted prospecting in the area due to political reasons. IEI took some samples during their investigation of the oil shale in Israel
and found thoose results together with geological documents that there will be large quatities of oil and gas in the area of 
that concession.
Im guessing the next concession they will be awarded will be an offshore gas drilling concession since its mentioned in an article 
furthest down by my links. If true it will be by the boarder to Libanese waters (or according to them Lebanese waters). 
As some of you know they found one of the worlds largest gas concession in the world in Israeli waters a couple of years ago.
Have googled around the net for several weeks and and could write a long novel about it but I think its better the ones interested
make some research by themselves. Below you will find some interesting links to see the potential, schedule findings etc 
Subsidary IEI that has the oil shale project in Israel with potentially 40 Billion barrelss of shale oil.
FAQ about the oil shale project in Israel
Murdoch, Lord Rothschild invest in Israeli shale oil 
The advisary board 
Investing in Israel’s Epic Oil and Gas Boom 
Israel may be the world's next energy superpower 
Investers and their comments / thoughts
Murdoch comments and general info
An Energy Revolution for Israel
General about Israeli oil and gas finds 
Green peace ex president commenting about the project in Israel 
Chairman and founder of Genie Energy say if sucessful valuation may be half of Exxons in the future (almost 1000 bagger) 
Israel’s oil find dwarfs even that of its massive natural gas discoveries 
Could Israel Become an Energy Giant
Future impact on oil shale
Interview with scietist at IEI in Israel 
Israel‘s “Black Gold” – an Interview with Dr. Scott Nguyen 
Fokus on shale oil in the future according to Chairman and founder of Genie Energy
IEI s chief scientist, interview about the oil shale project 
Presentation and comments about the project from the key persons of Genie Energy 
This Novel Technology Could Unlock a Saudi-sized Oil Find 
Interview with Harold Vinegar about oil shale and its future 
Fox News with George Bush och Barak Obama about oil shale 
The Safest Way to Invest in Israel’s Oil and Gas Boom 
Israel awards first Golan oil drilling license 
Israel: The New Saudi Arabia? 
Israel as the Answer to the World’s Energy Crisis? 
Interesting link below, seems like IEI is close to getting an offshore concession for gas drilling. Read earlier Harold Vinegar
commenting about how much gas there will be outside Israel. They will also need large amounts of natural gas for its oil shale project
so it would make sence. The names behind the company will make the chances of such a concession pretty likely.
"Latest oil drilling licence in disputed area and indications of a gas drilling concession in the future" 
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