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Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc GREE

Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. is a vertically integrated cryptocurrency datacenter and power generation company. It is focused on cryptocurrency mining, infrastructure development, engineering, procurement, construction management, operations, and maintenance of sites. It owns and operates a facility in the Town of Torrey, New York (the New York Facility). The New York Facility is a vertically integrated cryptocurrency datacenter and power generation facility with an approximately 106-megawatt nameplate capacity, natural gas power generation facility. It provides hosting, power, and technical support services to third-party owned bitcoin mining equipment. Its cryptocurrency datacenter operations earn bitcoin as rewards and transaction fees for supporting the global bitcoin network with application-specific integrated circuit computers owned or leased by the Company. Its datacenter operations in New York are powered by electricity generated directly by its power plant.

NDAQ:GREE - Post by User

Post by HDavison Sep 16, 2021 12:09am
Post# 33867125

GREE - Wednesday Rundown, Thursday Expectations

GREE - Wednesday Rundown, Thursday Expectations
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