Comment by microcaptton Apr 17, 2023 3:39pm

Post# 35399065
RE:Anyone following HLS still?
RE:Anyone following HLS still?IMO the stock is dirt cheap. Valuation is less now than when they went public. At that time the stock valuation was primarily to the Cloz asset - they didnt even know they had a blockbuster in Vascepa at tha time (before Reduce-it results). To me if you buy at these levels you are either getting Cloz for free or Vasepa. I think there is a lot of buyer fatigue from early owners that were looking for more M&A and a faster start with the Vascpea rollout. Covid/lockdowns and slow public resimbursement really hurt and pushed things out 18+ months. It boils down to execution at this point and hopefully this new CEO can navigage the ship. It def looks like an asymetric setup - I would think minimal downside risk from here and 1-2x possible in 24 months.