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HP Inc. is a global provider of personal computing and other digital access devices, imaging and printing products, and related technologies, solutions, and services. The Company delivers a range of devices, services and subscriptions for personal computing, printing, three-dimensional (3D) printing, hybrid work, gaming, and more. It operates through three segments: Personal Systems, Printing and Corporate Investments. The Personal Systems segment offers commercial and consumer desktops and notebooks, detachables and convertibles, workstations, thin clients, commercial mobility devices, retail point-of-sale (POS) systems, displays, hybrid systems, software, solutions, and services. Printing segment offers consumer and commercial printer hardware, supplies, services, and solutions. Printing segment is also focused on graphics and 3D printing and personalization in the commercial and industrial markets. Corporate Investments include certain business incubation and investment projects.

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Comment by Uncleronon Nov 15, 2023 2:06pm
Post# 35737435

RE:Thermo-Reduction: not just plasma

RE:Thermo-Reduction: not just plasmaSilica to Si metal in one step has never been done before !!...
That's what's going to make HPQ a very lucrative investment....add the other products like fumed silica and the NSiR powders and we are going to be the owners of  a blue chip company , rich investors indeed...The clock is ticking in our favour...the R&D has delivered ...All we need is to scale-up to supply to these markets....There's going to be a steady building of QRR systems and FSR  systems and NSiR systems well into the handle the demand....
Hold tight to your shares a big breakout is coming....uncleron is always right  !..cheers 

LeMarcus wrote: Thermo-Reduction of silica to silicon with plasma in one step has never been done before(Ceteris paribus)... and that is the patent is all about.

One step thermo-reduction and beneficiation... is a new technology... that is under the patent application and protection.

Macer wrote: There is a little more to it than just plasma.
The whole reactor operates under negative pressure in a vacumm.
There are multiple factors that allow the reactor to vapourize the impurities.
And the expertise is with PYR.


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