Undervalued nasdaq playHoldings Info! This is going a lot higher!
Out of the float(5.7 Mill), you also have to consider thoes shares being held by institutions(1.2 million shares)
Assuming they didnt sell, That leaves 4.5 Million to trade. We traded:
12/23/1999 3,008,600
12/22/1999 3,742,100
12/21/1999 1,156,100
7,898,800 In 3 trading days.
Out of that the range was 11.6/19.25 where 5Million traded above 15.
It leads me to guess that assuming the trend continues, this can end up a whole
lot higher. By the way,
Estimated NAV for HHGP
Notes on this table follow
SILK 138 40100 $5,533,800
NANX 4.25 758016 $3,221,568
SQST 83 461036 $38,265,988
ALLP 7.875 800000 $6,300,000
SOMN 2.125 200000 $425,000
GENMICA $1,209,730
KRITON $1,000,000
MEDLOGIC $565,997
NEUROMETRIX $5,958,225
PHZ $1,637,112
QUESTECH $2,263,168
SUNDIAL $500,000
US TREASURYS $4,716,150
Portfolio $71,621,738
Estimates Additional Assets $1,800,000
Estimated Liabilities $4,900,000
Net Assets $68,521,738
Current MKT Cap 129Million This needs to run over 40 to be valued fairly w/peers. this dosnt even include