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  • RockLobster1X
Comment by RockLobster1on Apr 24, 2023 10:02am
Post# 35410231

RE:RE:Stock Price

RE:RE:Stock Priceyes I bought some in the 70's as a punt on some kind of good news... very cheap if is can survive.

Gave up last Dec to get a tax loss...  After going through my trades since Spet 2010 IPO at I think 70 cents initially (pre 2.3 and 10 to one consolidations, so multiply by 23), I was pleased, or less disappointed to see I had come out ahead.  Was solely due to selling half of my position every time we had a crazy jump... once was an ebola Vax spike, once a Covid vax spike etc... 

But overall a long disappointment, but that's biotech i guess...  I am trying to avoid their appeal as it's easy to buy into the dream as a non-expert.  I should stick to an ETF or fund...

good luck to whover is left...
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