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Comment by QM45on Apr 27, 2023 2:47pm
Post# 35417667

RE:RE:Stock Price

RE:RE:Stock PriceIt's sad that we have to post under current cirumstances...
One of the lessons of my trading career, and it has been a long 20+ year slug, is "don't get married to a position."
In this case, the story was very compelling and to a degree it still is, so it's understandable to make the above mistake. 
The previous management team was dishonest. Considering that they sucseeded with the previous biotech right up to a sale to a large pharma, I was surprised to see them be so ineffective.  
Is this mngmt any better? The bar is very low and the technology is as solid as it was years ago. 
If they can survive with 20M in cash then all that accumulated IP is worth A LOT more than the current 5-10M valuation. 
I suspect they will, given COVID is in a rear view mirror and research is ongoing at a decent clip, it would be very strange for someone not to take a punt. 
The recent runnup from 50 cents few days ago to $1.6 by 4am the other day on Nasdaq shows how quickly this story can evolve.  Still plenty of crazy meme chasing investors hoping for the moon...

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