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  • antigua1987X
Post by antigua1987on May 04, 2023 7:07pm
Post# 35431513

Not the all-star team we thought

Not the all-star team we thoughtnot a connection to be made by any of the high paid mgmt, nor hollywood BoD.
what do start up directors think they are there for? photo ops! no, bloody conections.

and this life science director who recently resigned...bc her employer decided after a decade that they should NOT have board representation even as an early funder. bc of possible conflict! well i'd hope so. what horsesh!t. 
ceo et other toppers still getting paid - gonna thrash around like their world is ending. bit of a show for shareholders like they feel the pain. and IR - they've had their for-sale sign out for awhile - barely in the imv game. 

on the other hand - if big andy can sell at 29$/sh - gonna have to take it all back. gladly.
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