GREY:IMVIF - Post by User
Post by Breakthorough1on Jul 14, 2023 3:28pm

Post# 35541830
Also the moment to remember these words (march 16)(
Also the moment to remember these words (march 16)("We’re in a situation where the drug is actually working, and we want to make sure it gets to market, not just for patients and not just for the better therapies for cancer, but for IMV shareholders. There has been an amount of time and money invested in, I believe, what is going to be a platform that is really foundationally important to this whole therapeutic field. We’ve got to give it the best chance possible and that is very likely in a formalized collaboration. Now the exact mechanics and details of what that collaboration is going to be, Joe, I can’t talk to, but these aren’t conversations that we started yesterday. This is an evolution of that. "
Andrew Hall