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IMV Inc. is a Canada-based company. The Company has no business operations.

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  • Breakthorough1X
Post by Breakthorough1on Sep 24, 2023 12:29pm
Post# 35651254

This sounds serious if demonstrable

This sounds serious if demonstrable
(ii) Misleading and/or incorrect statements made by Ors throughout 2021 and specifically in association with the negotiation of a substantial investment from the Investors by private placement in July of 2021 to the effect that:
i) it was “guaranteed that we will have success with Lymphoma”, 
ii) that the scientific risk of the platform was “gone” and “off the table”,
iii) that IMV was producing the “best results in the world” from a clinical perspective and finally 
iv) that IMV would trade at a valuation of between $250 and $300 
per share;
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