GREY:IMVIF - Post by User
Post by Breakthorough1on Oct 16, 2023 12:31pm
Post# 35685570
VITALIZE TrialIn the last version submitted to the USA NCI page (September 11), you can see that there were 20 patients in arm 1 (with cph) and 14 in arm 2 (without cph) already enrolled. So 34 patients. The Stage 1 was going to have 30 (the 4 extra may be the ECOG 2 ones).
So: they had already enrolled the whole Stage 1 by the 1st of may. By today, ALL the Stage 1 had to have passed the SECOND scan (140 days) almost a month ago. It is just UNBELIEVABLE that they didn't try to stay afloat and show the results to the market.